When Did Adding Candles To The Birthday Cake Originate
When Did Adding Candles To The Birthday Cake Originate. Whatever the case, the idea of putting candles on birthday cakes seems to have quickly spread beyond children's birthday parties. The birthday child would blow out the candles while making a wish.
C., the ancient Romans are generally credited with developing the wicked candle before that time by dipping rolled papyrus repeatedly in melted tallow or beeswax.
According to the Greek origin story, there is one theory that explains the tradition of placing the candles on the birthday cake is connected to the ancient Greeks.
The earliest recorded use of candles on cakes is the ancient Greek practice of baking cakes for Artemis, goddess of the moon, the hunt, and chastity. Honey cakes round as the moon and lit with tapers were placed on the temple altars of [Artemis].. . . They believed that the smoke carried their thoughts up to the gods.
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